Friday, April 8, 2011

It's all Learning

I invite you to accept all of your desires. You have absolutely everything you want right now, right in front of you, but I think most of the time we're to busy worrying about what we don't have, to see that what we want is right in front of us. For some reason, and this goes for myself too, it's easier for us to view the world from a place of lack than one of abundance.

I invite you to get over yourself. We judge ourselves constantly, and we guess that that look that person gave us today had something to do with what we're wearing, or how we're acting. I'm not saying just STOP judging yourself, you're going to do it anyway. Just acknowledge that these are just thoughts passing through, and it's you who gets to decide whether or not you latch onto them or not. YOU get to choose what thoughts identify you. Take what works for you and discard the rest.

I invite you to choose to be happy. It really is a choice. A simple example is traffic. Stuck there? Yup. Anything you can do about it? Nope. So why wear yourself out by thinking about all of the things you have to rush home to, they're still going to be there when you get back. Why not choose this opportunity to catch up on some awesome radio songs. Have your own little dance party in the car.

I invite you to your own vulnerability. I hate being vulnerable, nevermind making myself open to it, that's just not gonna happen. But, it's worth it. People who open themselves up to vulnerability are people who see themselves as worthy. I feel a certain way, and I wan't to ask someone something. But, I'm scared how their answer will affect me, how they'll respond, what they'll think of me.... When I do finally make myself vulnerable, and ask that question (or whatever it is), it's because I feel like I am worth the answer I want. Now, sometimes you don't get what you want even if you are present to your own worth. Sometimes, it's just not gonna happen. You still feel awesome though. You still feel like you were there for yourself.

I invite you to acknowledge the teachers in your life. I like thinking of my relationships in this one. It didn't work out with that guy, but now I know how giving I am. It didn't work out with that guy, but now I know what I'm looking for, and how important it is to talk about how I feel. It didn't work out with that guy, but I did say how I felt, and I did ask all those questions, and now I know that asking them is okay.

The point is this:

Just as you are, you are beautiful, caring, grateful, amazing, abounding, full of life, forgiving, ugly, stupid, insecure, selfish and the most annoying person I could ever hope to know. All of these qualities are in us. The ones that show are the ones that you choose to call up for yourself. We are not perfect, but we can choose to be happy, worthy, grateful, and accepting just as easily as we can choose to be all those other nasty things. It's your choice. This goes for the qualities we see in others, we can choose to see that person as amazing, or we can choose to see them as an asshole. Again, it's still your choice.

So lastly, I invite you to forgive yourself and others. All those regrets, shoulda dones, shouldn't have dones, fails, and failed agains. You're allowed. You're allowed to push people away, make mistakes, fuck up, and do it all over again just for good measure. It's okay. It's important to acknowledge that and move on to other imperfections.

You get to choose.

It's just life, and it's all learning :)

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