Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oh, hey there

It’s been awhile.

No. It’s been a long while.

I’m proud to say that the Kairee-show finally got on the road, but it’s not as lamb-like as I anticipated it to be. Nope, still lions as far as I can see.

Lots of life changes, lots of pesky ‘being an adult’ stuff. Lots of…..ikea furniture.

And hey, if you’re going to make a bunch of adult decisions, why not make ALL of them in one day? Right? Right?

For example: August 23rd.

My 25th birthday.

My last day of my ‘during-university’ job.

My last night at home before moving out onto my own (in this case that means with my ever-so-lovely boyfriend….thank god!).

Nothing like a grand entrance into the *gulp* real-world.

Yes, I write to you from the otherside, where I can’t seem to keep the house clean, work on projects in sequential order, or cook for myself. I haven’t become the do-it-yourself pintrest princess either.

But I’ve gotten better at knitting. And finding coupons. Glorious, glorious coupons.

Basically, when I turned 25, I actually turned 65 and instead of retiring I became an intern with a boyfriend 37 years younger than me. See? Either way you look at it, it’s not too bad.

However, when you and your younger-depending-on-how-you-look-at-it boyfriend both quit smoking at the same time, ‘not too bad’ transforms itself into a place where logic ceases to exist and is replaced with the kind of terror that only gigantic fanged spiders living under your bed can produce.

Maybe I’m exaggerating. Maybe.

Ok ok ok. So here’s the thang. We quit smoking on November 4th. The boy is doing better than I, but I’m doing fairly well too. But this shit is crazy. Yeaaah ok. I’m crazy.

But in a good way! Maybe.

My point is this: when I’m speaking to you, consider the perspective of someone withdrawing from nicotine. No, it’s not the worst thing imaginable, but it still sucks. Just pretend I’m muttering expletives at the end of every sentence. Seriously (asshat).

Anyway, that’s it for now (fucknut). More later, I promise (douuuuchecanoe)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oh, why hello there..

It’s been a long time, but I have my list of excuses prepared.

Mainly, my laptop decided to go to another, better-for-him but not so better-for-me, place. And I started working 12 hour days (travel time is included with that number) 5 days a week. And a bunch of other things.

But here we are in 2013. Out with Otis the laptop and in with Elliot, the shiny new Windows 8 Acer tablet, gifted by my boyfriend who is way too good for me (but don’t tell him that).

You know that saying, ‘in like a lion, out like a lamb’ (it might be the other way around, but let’s just take my word for it here). I really hope that’s the game 2013 is playing with me.

The boy and I got back from our cruise at the beginning of January only to find out he had 3 weeks to find a new place, while going to work, while starting University courses after being out of high school for 10ish years. Poor guy. I tried to help as much as possible, but no sooner did we get the old house ready for rental inspection, did I end up in the hospital for 3 days. To make a long story short, I was on enough morphine not to remember that much of at least 2 days, and they think I have an ulcer (I’m not really 24, I’m a really good looking 80 year old). I have no idea how the boy doesn’t have an ulcer, he was the one under stress! The few weeks after that were a blur of roses, birthdays, family, and the dog-apocalypse (one dog has kidney stones, the other one got stepped on, and the other other one has Cushing’s disease).

I’m definitely ready to meet that ‘lamb’ (but if it was a yelling goat, I wouldn’t be all that disappointed).

That being said, I’m pretty excited for 2013, now that I can finally get the Kairee-show on the road.

Some of the things I’m looking forward to is getting my budget under control (yay full time employment!), getting back into running, and finding an economically feasible way to do yoga.


And bake. So much baking.