Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Place

Thanks to a wonderful yoga instructor, I've been having a few conversations about happy places lately. Where is your happy place? Where you go to in your mind when you need to take a moment, when you're bored, when you need to push yourself a little further....

I've gotten a few interesting answers, but most paint pictures of relaxation, beaches, sunshine, water, and loved ones. One answer, I really happy place IS that moment when I'm bored, and that moment when I need to push myself a little further, THIS is my happy place...why would I ever leave?

AWESOME. 100%.

In my happy place, I'm wearing this dress:

dancing down the street (any street, all streets) with all the amazing people in my life, singing this song.

My happy place is a circus, and it's pretty great.

But, as the 100% awesome answer above, I invite you to create today as your happy place. Choose to be happy in everything you do today, it's your happy place - create it that way.

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