Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things I'm Thankful for

So the thing is, I try to go through life with an attitude of gratitude. When things are pleasant, it's easy to forget to be grateful for the people and things that make it so. So, I try to be conscious of these things. I'm thankful for group photos, the people that are okay with my snap-happy tendencies, the people that will have team huddles with me over drinking games, that make fun of me for being a foot shorter than almost everything, heart-to-hearts outside 7-11, new people, turkey, bracelts with "pickled" on them, pumpkin pie beer and so many other things. And that was just last night. I'm thankful that I'm doing well in every aspect of my life, and I'm thankful for the people that have pushed and pulled me in every direction to get me here. I'm thankful for the random who gave me his cab last night, and I hope he was thankful for the $20 I slipped in his case of beer.

I've learned this past year to find the opportunities when things aren't so pleasant, and I've learned to thank the people involved in that. Without that first year of university, I never would have tired of going to the bar every night, switched out of education, found ambition and set that low bar for all of my friends (I know you like that!). When I didn't get all of those jobs I wanted, I got the job I have now and love every minute of. Without that 4 year relationship that ended last year, I never would have realized that I'm okay with being physically apart from someone for long periods of time, I never would have known how much I have to offer. And god forbid I didn't see the one or two asshats inbetween!

I have a few points to make here. It's hard to see the good when it's great, and it's hard to trust that the silver lining is the most important part when life seems to be shitting on you (it's not shitting on you, it's getting you ready for what's next). And I know I'm cheesy and 100% dork, but I honestly believe that. I've learned that I can take anything you can throw at me. And I can be grateful and present to it all, AND make room for it in my life. Guys, I totally got this down. I am so happy that each one of you are part of my life, whether you had an impact on me for 5 weeks, 5 months, or 5 years...I made room for you, and I'm so glad you reciprocated!

Also, I kinda love Thanksgiving.

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