Sunday, July 18, 2010

Who are you remembering today?

Back in February I was talking to someone about skydiving and later that day I found myself purchasing a gift certificate for my cousin's birthday in march for her first solo dive at 3,500 feet. Naturally, I'd be going with her, and yesterday we finally jumped out of a perfectly good airplane just for shits and giggles. There's no one in the world I would have rather done that with than her, and I don't think I COULD have done it with anyone other than her. So today, I'm remembering her and our awesome experiences!

I'm also remembering the wonderful class instructor that made me practice my arches, my PFD and my emergency situations until I finally remembered that if I'm going to pull my reserve chute properly, I'm going to have to stick my thumb through the metal loop and pull. I'm remembering our jump master who kicked my feet off the wheel of the plane and told me to get the fuck out, I'm remembering our pilot, and our fabulous videographer who caught it all on tape!!

Perhaps most importantly, I'm remembering the lovely person who packed my parachute ever so expertly.

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