Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't worry guys, everything is going to be awesome.

I am so freakin' excited, it's ridiculous. It seems like every year I'm a little busier than the last, and I love it! With classes and work, I come close to 10 and 12 hours everyday. Nevermind all the reading, 7 group projects that meet once or twice a week, yoga, and life! I've ditched going to the gym because I can't bring myself to wake up any earlier than 5 a.m. but I've started running again, and picked up yoga, finally. I'm cooking again too.

I love raw food. I'm definitely not a strict raw-foodie, as I'm making up that I need my previously mentioned juicer and dehydrator to make the commitment, but it just feels so good to be able to toss everything in the blender. Everything tastes so good too. And all these new foods, it's like I've found paradise. After my brief affair with detoxing, I ate only raw, organic, vegan foods for a week. I wasn't paying attention to calories, or nutrition really, but I felt so AMAZING! It felt like my body fell back into sync with itself. So amazing! I'm excited to be back there.

Everyone in my life right now is helping me be awesome, so thank you lovelies! :)

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