Sunday, September 26, 2010

Taken care of

This last week has been an exercise in listening and ignoring myself, and then suffering the consequences. I was house sitting for my uncle this past week, and typically I love it. It's like a little mini vacation for me. It's a 20 minute bus to school, instead of an hour and a half. I can run the blender at 5 am without worrying about waking anyone up. I can cook freely. The leaves are turning all these amazing colours and I get to run through all of them, because this neighborhood is so full of these pre-hibernating leaves. I can hunker down and kick school's ass.

That's what I usually do, but it didn't quite happen like that this time around. When the shit really hits the fan, we never take the time to properly grieve missed opportunities, change, or what have you. As my friend's mom puts it, we dig deep, we keep on truckin', we carry on. But sometimes we need that day off! So the last 10 days, I think I started coming down from my emotional frenzy the previous 2 weeks had been. Instead of cooking (at all, I don't remember eating), running, enjoying, and breathing, I was recalibrating. Figuring out which direction was up, releasing tension, and clearing my head. It's exhausting.

I had a yoga class last Thursday, and when you have scheduled time to get in tune with what your body is trying to tell you, it screams. I felt so much better after. Releasing tension in my back and hips. The instructor is pretty amazing, I never knew how flexible I could feel in my toes.

All of this, the plans falling through, the's what I needed. I am always provided for. I left yoga on Thursday thinking that I could do that every day, and then I went to work on Friday to learn that we're turning a committee room into a yoga studio over lunch for the next month.

I chose to be exhausted and a hermit last week, to try and get back on the horse, so to speak. I wasn't loving my body the way I should have, and now what? I'm so sick. I have a head cold from hell and my throat feels like it's on fire. But I love it, I know what this is. My body is saying "you've come down, you've stretched it out, but you're out of balance, and you NEED to give your body the same things you give your soul." the nutrients!

When you cook your food, the enzymes break down and you cook a lot of the nutrients out of your food. Put simply, raw and organic spinach is better for you before you throw it on the stove. I'm new to this raw food thing, but I'm having so much fun with it. I threw a bell pepper, some strawberries, an avocado, and some spices in a blender...and voila! Salad Dressing! It's so yummy and amazing. I'll be eating this way for the next week (so expect lots o blogs) to help my body out a bit.

Also, my go-to's for when I'm sick: Oregano Oil (it kills all the bad bacteria, and leaves the good bacteria) on my toothbrush and a netti pot.

I love that my body sends me these messages, and that I am provided for in so many ways.

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